Change or cancel an order
If you wish to change or cancel an order, contact our sales team on 01858 469 006 any time between 8am and 4pm Monday to Friday. Please have the order number and date the order was placed to hand.
If your products have already been dispatched or delivered, then you will need to follow our returns procedure below.
How to return goods
Should you wish to return a stocked item, we will be happy to refund or exchange, if it is in full resaleable condition. Returns should be made within reasonable time (14 days) and in original undamaged packaging. A restocking fee will apply which will be deducted from your credit and is usually 10% of the value of the item.
Non stocked items are deemed non-returnable, please check with the sales team if your item is returnable before placing your order.
Please call our sales team on 01858 469 006 to obtain details on how to return your product.
Damaged and faulty products
Goods must be checked on receipt before you sign the delivery note or sign the courier receipt as ‘damaged’. Any goods not checked and signed for as damaged may not be able to be claimed for should any issued arise through damage. All discrepancies or damages must be reported within 3 working days. We may ask for photographs or samples of damaged or faulty products.
Please call our sales team on 01858 469 006 to obtain details on how to return your product.
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